Originally Posted by CMH
This country is so pathetic. I mean, it's a five year old kid and they have to evacuate the classroom and call the cops. She should have been drug out of the classroom and spanked.
I agree wholeheartedly. If it weren't for the whole 'illegal because there are molesters and not-nice teachers' thing.
I think the handcuffs were an amazing idea. No, she wasn't actually being subdued (she wasn't a threat, obviously), and no, she obviously wasn't going to actually be arrested. But does the child know this? No. And does the child need to be brought -harshly- back to reality. Hells yes.
If I were there, I would have cuffed her, escorted her to the police car, not be very nice about it, let her know she was in -serious- trouble. Maybe even bring her back to the station. Phone the mother from there. Obviously, the mother needs a hand raising this child.
Tell the mother that a situation escalated at the school, and that the child would have to be picked up from the police station.
On a related note, I sincerely believe that until a certain age (defintely under ten) parents should be held accountable for the actions of their children. No, its not fair that if a child throws a fit and breaks something, the parents are blamed. But it might make parents a little more likely to teach their children not to break things, and not to be punk-asses.
Perhaps the mother should be grounded, and have a police officer sit her down in a chair and sream at her face until she cried. Tell her to grow up, and learn how to be a real parent. How to raise a real kid.