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Old 04-27-2005, 10:10 AM   #10 (permalink)
Fade out
Location: in love
It's deeper than sex. But sex is the catch all for feelings and supressed emotions in alot of marriages . . . for people who don't communicate on a regular basis . . . the signals they send in their sex life can denote something bigger and sadly, in some marriages, that is the only real communication that happens and most of it is non-verbal posturing . . . moral of my two cents . . . marry someone you geuinely like, make your spouse your best friend, communicate with them about everything.

If my husband were to sleep with another woman and to hide it from me . . .
I'd be hurt he didn't tell me how he was feeling or why he choose to do it.
But wouldn't i stop loving him over it and want to break up . . . no way, we're best friends and that's more important to me than sex. But granted i would be really hurt mostly that he had hidden something from me because we share everything.

When it comes down to it and you don't attatch all those emotional issues to it:
sex is just sex.


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Last edited by sweetpea; 04-27-2005 at 10:13 AM..
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