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Old 04-22-2005, 10:25 PM   #33 (permalink)
big damn hero
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Originally Posted by dy156
snipped a bit for clairty....
This weekend is full of annoyance for me in the sports world. Here are but a few examples:

2) The NBA playoff system. First of all there are too many regular season games. Who actually starts watching the NBA before mid-December?
I completely agree.

Of all the other sports that annoy me the most, it has to be basketball. The games are always on. If they aren't on, then they're fixing to be on. And when you think it's all over, here come the playoffs. If they're not playing here, it's at the Olympics (when they're going) or exhibition games. Mixed in with all the college basketball, tournaments, and exhibition games...well it's overkill.

With baseball, there's like a five month gap, with football it's like seven, which gives us fans a chance to miss and anticipate it's return.

How long does the NBA off season last? As a casual fan (me), there doesn't really seem to be much of an off season.

3) Show me sports with people moving fast. Even if it's women's basketball,soccer, rugby, or college baseball, rather than a weekend of the NFL draft. Please, one pick every 15 minutes the first two rounds?!! It's one thing to miss it and have to see the scoreboard on ESPN the next night or read it in the paper, because you missed the game. You miss seeing what actually happened, and missed watching a spectacular pysical display. On the other hand, whay can't we all just sit back and do something non-sports related this Saturday and read about what happenned in the draft in the Sunday paper? It will be just as informative, and will not have sucked a day out of our lives having done nothing more than watch a man in a suit talk about potential NFL players that might make it, but very well might not..
Again, I completely agree. The draft is kind of exciting. Television exciting? Not hardly. Especially with all the television "personalities" all putting their two cents in to kill time in between all the forced hoopla. The only thing relatively exciting last year was the Eli Manning debacle, but I could have been just as disgusted reading it in the Sunday paper.

And a few short thoughts...

And the combine? Well, the whole thing just really stinks. It's like a meat market of the damned.

I completely understand the Boston teams getting no respect. Even on that first Superbowl run (ARghhh) all I kept hearing was how it was the dream season. Like it's a friggin' fluke they made it to the playoffs. Now sportscasters, ashamed of not paying due respect, now just don't comment on them at all except to see how many times they can put "genius," "Bill Belicheck," and "dynasty," together in a sentence in an attempt to look like they were fans all along and by extension be considered brilliant.

Lets' not talk about NASCAR. Going to the event up close and personal is one thing, to sit at home and watch it on television for endless hours is quite another.

Mmmmm. maybe not so short
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