Originally Posted by reiii
Now imagine a hypothetical:
Replace the Asian kids with two of our famed vandy girls, and give them a box of yellow bracelets. I guarantee there would be a long line of people waiting to live strong. So has charity in this country become a quid pro quo? Do we need something to show for our meager contributions?
I know many many people bought the bracelets for nobel reason, but at some level I know the end result of the fad will be mass hypocrisy.
perhaps people do need something to show for their donations. although, this hasn't ever been otherwise as much as I can tell. donations have always been tax write-offs (so in that case, not even really giving much) and donations to institutions have always been met with some kind of recognition--a plaque, a building, or monument, etc.
I think you should test your hypothesis. grab a box of bands and go see if you get a long line of people. I don't think you'll get the response you suspect. But at least you'll have donated to cancer research even if the bands don't sell.
Some of the people who refused to even make eye contact with the kids or venture a response, were wearing that magestic bracelet.
Didn't they already donate a dollar?