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Old 04-19-2005, 05:57 PM   #69 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by moosenose
It's called "giving aid and comfort to the enemy". Read Article 3 Section 3 of the US Constitution for the full "scoop" on what treason is defined as. You also might read up on "Lord Haw-Haw", "Axis Sally", and "Tokyo Rose". Or, you could read up on Armand Hammer, ( )the groups he funded, and the fact that he was on the KGB payroll... that was bloody embarrasing for him and the anti-war know, the collapse of Communism in the Soviet Union, and the leaking of all of those papers to the West...

If you want to read up on a "free speech" case of treason that resulted in the Death Penalty being justly administered, you can always read up on the Rosenbergs...They claimed that they did what they did as a matter of conscience, but they still "got the gas"...
George W. Bush's grandfather, the father of George Bush, Sr., raised money for the Nazis. The South once was the enemy. Republicans, who are lead by Bush, are all over the goddam place in the South. I guess that makes them all traitors?

Bush Sr. and Donald Rumsfeld gave biological weapons to Saddam Hussein. Reagan and Bush Sr. engaged in illegal arms trades with Iran and the Contras. Somewhere, somehow, one of those must be giving aid to the enemy, right, moose?
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