If I understand what you're saying, zero, that's most definately *not* what you want to do. Are the concepts that Lebell mentioned about using foreign keys to link tables completely new to you? Not sure what this class of yours is for, but those are standard database design concepts.
The proper way to do this is with 3 tables:
"Spyware" table
"Anti-Spyware Software" table
"Anti-Spyware Software Removes Spyware" table
The first two are straight forward, each having their own primary key. The third one would be structed like this:
Primary Key Field (autonumber)
SpywareID (number): foreign key to spyware table. the number stored represents a record in the spyware table.
Anti-SpywareID (number): forign key to Anti-Spyware table. The number stored represents a record in the anti-spyware table.
So a record in the third table could simply be:
1 | 5 | 10
What that says, is that the spyware record with primary key of 5 can be removed by the anti-spyware software with a primary key of 10. You could have another row that has:
2 | 5 | 12
This shows you that spyware 5 can *also* be removed by anti-spyware software 12. This would be the proper way to store this information....
Greetings and salutations.