Thread: Man Date
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Old 04-14-2005, 12:28 PM   #12 (permalink)
GoT, I don't know if you caught that but bars and golfing are out of the question.

But this article is hilarious.

I remember this commercial for shoes, I think adidas, and at a gym a bunch of guys are checking out another guys new shoes he bought, and one guy says "oh those are cute!", and immediately all the other guys turn their heads and stare at him, and he instantly freezes up. Then later on he calls up his girlfriend on his cellphone and tells his girlfriend, loudly so everybody in the gym can hear, "yeah? hey, me and the guys are going out tonight, for beer and red meat, yeah." And then his girlfriend on the other end immediately says, affectionately "you said cute again in front of a bunch of guys again didn't you??"

But yeah, I eat food one on one at shabby restaurants with my friends and everything is great, and the food is more than just edible... but a classy restaurant? Sharing wine?

You know what else I've noticed? I come from Iran, and well, suffice to say feminism never really was a movement in that region, and in my math class I sit beside my friend who is from Turkey. Now he's newer to Canada and I've been here for over half of my life, he's very friendly with me like we would be back in our home countries, but it's extremely awkward for me when he is that friendly to me because everybody else notices and thinks it's quasi-homosexual. Of course (I hope!) they realize that it's a cultural difference that's the cause of this, but it's still very awkward, and sometimes I have to make sure there's something to reassert myself as straight for everybody else. Now the only reason I mentioned feminism (or more accurately the belief that both sexes are equal) is because the article mentions...
Before women were considered men's equals, some gender historians say, men routinely confided in and sought advice from one another in ways they did not do with women, even their wives.
So I thought that was neat that there is some proof of that, at least for me.

Good article!
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