Christian Fundamentalist Pornography?
(Some links are potentially NSFW. Or maybe all links are NSFW. Or none of them - you tell me.)
What makes <a href="">this fantasy</a> or <a href="">this fantasy</a> or <a href="">this fantasy</a> a societal problem that must be censored by the FCC while <a href="">this fantasy</a> is considered "family entertainment"?
People have argued that sex is harmful and should therefore not be broadcast on television, etc. Where is the argument that religion manipulated into fear inducement is harmful?
People have argued that sex fantasy results in sexual disfunction which results in rape/molestation/etc. Where is the argument that fear-religion fantasy results in tolerance disfunction which results in abortion clinic bombings?
Normally I would have no desire, ever, to complain to the FCC about any content on television. But then I take notice that millions of others are doing just to that prevent me from enjoying my fantasies. It's a struggle for me, but maybe it's time to fight fire with fire.
Would you?