I do have an example of that sort of good friend who I met as an adult. She got hired at the place where I worked when I was 26 and she was 16. At first I was a little jealous because she seemed to be the boss's favorite (he used to bring her sushi on her shifts) but pretty soon we established a friendship and that didn't matter. Within a year, we were best friends, inseparable, and were also lovers off and on for a time. Eventually we lived together for a couple of years...then she moved to Hawaii and is now all settled down there with a husband and family. It's been over 10 years now since she left, and through a series of circumstances too involved to get into here, I've lost touch with her various times, only to find her again and re-establish our friendship. And each time it's been like we never stopped talking, we immediately have that spark, almost a fascination with each other and deep love and affection. I miss her so much - she might be visiting in July!