Originally Posted by longbough
BTW. Not to flog a dead horse but I have to add my views on the whole "martial arts" issue.
It's a terrible mistake to underestimate the "common" street punk. The most experienced martial artists know that no 2 street-fights are alike. I have studied different styles of marial arts for years and have yet to meet an expert who thinks he/she could take a knife or gun away from an opponent every time.
I'm not saying that martial arts is useless, but it doesn't make anyone a superman. I have studied martial arts in the past fanatically from some very good instructors - But if someone posed an imminent threat to my family or loved ones I'd shoot that person.
Glock 27. Don't always carry it, but I almost always have a knife on me.
One thing that 7 years of martial arts taught me is not to let a potential threat get too close. That, and I'm not interested in trying to disarm a knife-wielding person.
I have drawn on someone ONCE. He was mouthy, thereby giving me plenty of warning before he got too close. By the time he did, and he saw my Glock, he shut up and went away. I like that a lot better than if I'd actually had to fire.
OTOH, In regard to martial arts, some of the baddest guys I know look slim to the point of making you think they're wimps. No matter how much training they have, their appearance isn't going to scare anyone away.