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Old 04-07-2005, 09:14 AM   #16 (permalink)
Originally Posted by tspikes51
Read some about the history of the world. Religion has existed since the dawn of civilization. There was some form of religion in every corner of the world. Atheism was not even a widely-known concept until somebody separated church and the state. Before that, you rebelled against a religion, now you just don't believe there is a god.

If you can prove that there is or isn't a God, could you please enlighten the rest of us???
So...because you say so? I love how you put the burden on proof on me, the one who makes no claims.

P.S. Atheism is a word grounded in greek roots. Atheos. Or godless.

Edward Montagu sez

"As long as the manners of the Romans were regulated by this first great principle of religion, they were free and invincible. But the atheistical doctrine of Epicurus, which insinuated itself at Rome … undermined and destroyed this ruling principle.... [This principle of religion] controlled manners, and checked the progress of luxury in proportion to its influence. But when the introduction of Atheism had destroyed this principle, the great bar to corruption was removed, and the passions at once let loose to run their full career, without check or control."

That takes us back to the B.Cs. How far do I need to go back? I mean, is two thousand years long enough?
- people who have fallen into solitary, half-mad grooves of life and given up trying to be normal or decent.

George Orwell
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