Originally Posted by tuner
My experience tells me that goldfish don't live that long in an aquarium anyway...
Goldfish can, and do, have a lifespan of 20 years +, we used to have a goldy at work that was 9.
Unfortunatly, because they arn't kept properly, the average life span of a golfish in an aquarium is 3 weeks, which is a damned shame.
The golfish has sucumbed to myth about it's intelect and lifespans. Granted, they're not generally the sharpest tool in the shed, but they still do have personalities, you just have to pay enough attention to see them. Also, because of their hardiness even under the most extreme of conditions, people seem to think that it's ok to keep them poorly. Would you keep a dog in a small kennel without cleaning it? The dog may survive, but it's not going to enjoy it's life. The same with fish.