Originally posted by MEAD
At the risk of castration here I'll explain that. Most Americans have only been in the country a few genereations. Most of us when asked "What are you?" We will most likely reply where our ancestors came from. For example, I was born in Florida but I'd say I'm Polish, Irish and British. In America, much emphasis is put on where your family originated from.
Yeah I see the logic, but I am Irish, that guy was American. My ancestors were vikings but that doesnt make me a viking. Some guy thats never been outside Alabama telling me "he's Irish too" doesnt sounds a little odd.
I think that the relative ignorance towards geography that you see in the US is because of the distances involved. In Europe, you can cross borders for a weekend trip. Most in the US will never visit another country. Most who do, do so as a "trip of a lifetime" that they save years for.
Im not criticising here, just observing. My geography is probably worse than most anyways. I think europeans have the advantage coz we're surrounded by loads of other countries (or so they tell me!)