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Old 03-26-2005, 01:30 AM   #31 (permalink)
All important elusive independent swing voter...
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This is interesting - I used the "google" translator and got this:

enry Ford (* 30. July 1863 in Wayne County, Michigan USA; † 7 April 1947 in Dearborn) was the founder of the car manufacturer Ford engine company. It perfected consistently the assembly-line technology in the automotive manufacture, which however already anticipated Ransom Eli Olds 1902 in simplified form in its automobile company old mobile. Its concept of the modern manufacturing of vehicles, revolutionized not only the industrielle production, but had also strong influence on the modern culture (Fordism). Henry Ford was also the publisher of anti-Semitic writings like the book the international Jew - a world problem, a summary of articles, which 1920 to 1922 in its house Postille, which Dearborn Independent were published. Ford withdrew the book later publicly with large regret, yet revisionists offer still today this anti-Semitic treatise for sale in the InterNet. Table of contents [ indicatorhide ] 1 life 2 Fords' of engine 2,1 the model T (also Tin Lizzy called) 2,2 the model A and afterwards 3 The Dearborn Independent 4 Henry Fords and the national socialism 5 the Ford donation 6 the last days 7 Web on the left of [ work on ] lives Henry Fords was born William and Mary Fords, that had immigrated from the county Cork to Ireland in Wayne County, a town in the proximity of Dearborn, west of Detroit, on the flourishing farm of its parents. Henry was the oldest of altogether six children. It could visit only village schools, then Ford received only a small education. As a child it was very interested in mechanical details and spent at the age of twelve years much time in his werkraum, which it had furnished. With fifteen years he had already built his first combustion engine. In the year 1879 it left its at home and pulled into close Detroit, in order to begin its training there as a machinist. He worked first at F. Flower & Bros., at Detroit Dry dock CO after his training found to Fords a job later at the Westinghouse company, where he worked on petrol engines. After its marriage with Clara Bryant it improved its financial situation with its own sawmill. 1891 were adjusted, designated Fords as an engineer with the Edison Illuminating company after the founder and director Thomas Alva Edison. With this world-famous inventor it was still in a friendly manner connected in later years. After its transport to the chief engineer 1893 it had now sufficient time and money, in order to dedicate itself to its personal experiments with combustion engines. Its experiments culminated 1896 in the completion of a propelled vehicle, to the Quadricycle. After this success Ford Edison Illuminating left and created with further investor 1899 Detroit automobiles company. While Ford left its vehicles running to this time against the other manufacturers to drive, in order to demonstrate the superiority of its models. He achieved a victory against Alexander Winton, a well-known running driver, in his Quadricycle on 10 October 1901. Detroit automobiles company was nevertheless short time late bankruptcy. [ work on ] Fords' of engine Ford manufacturing; 1923 increases Ford manufacturing; created 1923 Henry Fords 1903 with eleven further investors and 28,000 US dollar cash investment the Fords engine company. With an exhibition Ford drove a new speed record in a again-developed car, when it put the distance back of a mile on the ice of the pc. Clair lake within 39.4 seconds. Convinced of this success the well-known running driver Barney Oldfield took the car with crosswise by the country and made the mark Ford a term in the USA this new automodel by Oldfield 999, after the then fastest running locomotive, was baptized. Henry Ford was also one of the first backers for the Indianapolis-500-Rennen. [ work on ] the model T (also Tin Lizzy called) 1908 brought Fords' of engine its model to T on the market. In the period of 1909 to 1913 Ford with changed model Ts participated in different running and won 1909 (although disqualifiziert later) also Coast ton Coast running (running from coast to coast) crosswise by the USA. A further record was set up 1911 on the fair in Detroit, when the driver franc Kulick obtained a new Bestzeit for the distance of a mile. to participate 1913 tried Fords with a converted model T in the Indianapolis 500-Rennen, however not certified with the reason, the car would have only around further 1,000 Pound to be made heavier, before it can itself qualify. Ford left a running and stepped out short time later completely of the running business. As reason for its door it called its discontent with the regulations in racing, as well as the increased need at time for its flourishing business with the model T. Fords T (1909) do not increase Ford T (1909) for the public work were running 1913 any longer necessarily - the model T was famous and pervasive on of Americas roads. In this year Ford introduced the assembly-lines in his factories, which permitted it an enormous production increase. 1918 were each second car in America a model T. the Design model of the T, glowing represented and defended from Henry Ford, to 1927 were already maintained, when the popularity of the Design had already diminished. Up to this time over 15 million vehicles had been manufactured. This was a record, which should the next 45 years existence have. (Henry Ford is often after-said, he said that each customer could get a Ford in the color of its choice - so long the color was black. There is no voucher that he expressed these words ever, yet was for the simplification of the mass production black the only color, in that the model T available was.) Henry Ford had a special attitude to its persons employed. They had a 8-Stunden working day and got already 1913 a substantial salary of 5 US dollar per day during the point production model of the T around 1918 increased this amount even still to 6 dollar. Such wages was up to then unique for workers. Ford offered also a new system to his workers for the profit-sharing. On the other hand Ford federations of trade unions rejected within his factories rigoros. In order to forestall trade union activities, Ford Harry Bennett adjusted, which became officially the director/conductor of the customer service. Bennett used different intimidation tactics, in order to destroy itself organizing trade unions. A sit-down strike of the United car Workers trade union led finally 1941 to collective bargaining in some Ford works, however it came to a full unionized organization only starting from 1945, after Henry Fords and Harry Bennett had left the enterprise. On 1 January 1919 Henry Ford handed the presidency to the Ford over engine company to its son Edsel Ford, kept however nevertheless a strong influence on the line of the enterprise. While Edsel had the presidency, only few decisions were made, which were not abgesegnet before by Henry, and which became few different made by Henry Ford often retrogressive. During this time Edsel and Henry redeemed the shares, which had been up to then still in the hand of other investors. They had to borrow themselves for the buy-back a quantity money, became thereby in addition, exclusive owners of the enterprise. This was the at the beginning of one period of the fall for the enterprise, since short time was met later the country by the postwar recession. First and the zehnmillionste Ford; 1924 increases first and the zehnmillionste Ford; 1924 in the center of the 1920er the sales figures model of the T began to fall. This was to be due partly to the rising spreading of consumer credits, which offered other companies, so that the consumers their cars could buy. In addition the models of the competition had usually further new functions and Designs, which were not to the model T at the disposal. Despite that urge of Edsel, the chairman of the enterprise, Henry Ford refused strictly adding the model T new characteristics or introducing financial programmes for consumers (first at the prices down and affordable to keep, the latter because it believed that these were bad for the economy). [ works on ] the model A and afterwards the away-breaking sales figures for the model T convinced Henry Ford finally 1926, what some time had already endorsed Edsel: It had a new model ago. Henry Ford contributed its specialized knowledge to the project above all in things technology, development of the drive, chassis and other technical necessities, and left it to its son to develop a new body. Edsel succeeded to become generally accepted it also over the objections of its father against a hydraulic brake system and a sliding SHIFT transmission. The result was a very successful Ford Model A, which was presented in December 1927 and until already 1931 more than 4 million time was produced. Henry Ford has long time a special interest in plastics from agricultural products, particularly from soy beans. On Soja based plastics were used in Ford automobiles during the 1930er for autohorns, colors and so on. This project culminated on 13 December 1942 in the fact that Ford let an automobile, which consisted nearly completely of plastic patent. It weighed 30% less than an average car the same size, and it was after-said to it that it could withstand ten times stronger impacts, than it knew a body from steel. On 26 May 1943 Edsel Ford died and left thereby an open place in the presidency of the enterprise. Henry Ford endorsed that the place should be taken over by Harry Bennett. The widow of Edsel, Eleanor Ford, that had inherited the shares of its verstobenen man, wanted that its son Henry Ford II took over the place. The point of issue decided, when Henry transferred the place in the age of 79 years. The enterprise approached hard time - within the next two years the company lost 10 million dollar per month. President Roosevelt even considered a national loan for the Fords engine company, so that war-important production could be continued. [ work on ] The Dearborn Independent after Henry Ford from the business from Fords' of engine had withdrawn itself to a large extent, dedicated it much time of the publication of a newspaper, the Dearborn Independent, which he had bought 1919. The newspaper ran still about eight years, in which it published among other things the anti-Semitic work, which admits minutes of the ways of Zion under the name became, in the USA. This writing so far of almost all historical researchers falsification were called. The American Jewish Historical Society describes the ideas Fords during this period as a "anti-immigrant, anti-laboratory, anti- liquor and anti- semitic" (against immigrants, against workers, against alcohol and against Jews). German expenditure of the writing published by Henry Ford in addition published Ford under its name several anti-Jewish articles in the Independent, those increase German expenditure of the writing published by Henry Ford into the early 1920er in four volumes under the title the international Jew - a world problem (English original: The were published internationally Jew, the World's Foremost problem). The articles condemned clearly Pogrome and force against Jews, stated on the other hand however that many of these incidents of Jews themselves would be to be answered for. The articles had been written to Fords' personal secretary of many years, Ernest dear old by different authors, among them also. No article had been written by Fords themselves, but since he was a publisher, the publication needed its tacit agreement. Ford closed the Dearborn Independent in December 1927 and recalled later the international Jew and minutes. On 7 January 1942 Henry Ford wrote an open letter down to the anti- Defamation League and prangerte therein the hate against Jews and expressed its hope that anti-Jewish agitation would always stop. It is partly accepted that Ford this letter neither written nor signed, and the sincerity of its apology in question placed. Its works still used by some groupings, usually finds one it on anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi web pages. [ it works on ] Henry Ford and the national socialism it gives some references on the fact that Adolf Hitler got financial support of Henry Ford, after this had occurred the policy. This can be retraced partly by the statements of Kurt loading corner, envoy of Germany in America in the 1920ern, and Winifred wagner, daughter-in-law of Richard wagner. These had expressed that they had requested funds of Fords, in order to support thereby the National Socialist movement in Germany. An investigation of the American congress of 1933 could prove however no support. A picture of Henry Ford hung in Munich headquarters of the NSDAP. Further the Ford works AG as birthday gift to Hitler's private account with the banking house stone transferred annually 50,000 RM. The Fords engine company was involved in the structure of the German armed forces before the Second World War. 1938 were taken for example a manufacturing work in Berlin in enterprise, whose only task was it to manufacture LKWs for the armed forces. Ford produced altogether 78,000 trucks and 14,000 tracked vehicles for the armed forces. Before the invasion of the German armed forces in the Sudetenland, it received an express supply from Fords from 1.000 trucks. The Ford works were exempted to at the end of of 1944 from allied bombardment and damaged then also only few. Use the Ford works also forced laborers were inserted, whom one lent for 4 realm Marks per day of the SS. In July 1938 Ford was distinguished with the large cross of the German eagle medal. Ford was the first American, who this honor assign became. It was at this time the highest honour for the sake of honor, which assigned Nazi Germany at foreigners. Somewhat in former times in the same year Benito Mussolini had been already distinguished with the large cross. The medal was assigned "in acknowledgment of the pioneer work [ Ford ], around cars for the masses to make available". The honor accompanied of a personal congratulation message Adolf Hitler (Detroit News, 31 July 1938). [ work on ] the Ford donation Henry Ford created 1936 with its son Edsel the Ford donation in the US Federal State Michigan, with a comprehensive Charter, in order to promote the public interest of humans. The first only locally laid out donation grew considerably and to 1950 its focus also national and internationally had extended. [ work on ] the aging Henry Fords handed and went the last days over after end of the Second World War on 21 September 1945 the presidency to its grandchild into the retirement. He deceased to his messuage in Dearborn at the age of 83 years in fair Lane, and on the Ford cemetery in Detroit was buried

Pacifier, how does this translation compare with your reading of the text?
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