How is it that this thread started so well with such a great topic to build on, and we've moved to things that are completely irrelevant to the subject matter?
Back to the original idea, and thank you King, it's an awesome sentiment, the only thing that I would like to opine is that the road goes both ways. I'd love to see some of those women that give me those looks actually stand up and be proactive and come talk to me! Why must it always be the men doing the introductory work and opening with honesty? Why can't the women be just as honest about their wants and desires?
I do have to admit, thank God interpersonal relationships have advanced as much as they have the last couple of decades and I'm allowed now to tell a woman that I find her attractive without being offensive (though I might still get sued).
As George Carlin says - "I have no ending for this, so I take a small bow"