It may have come up before but here it goes ...
My g/f of 9 years dumped me 3 weeks ago now (I'm 25) and during the last year and a half she was not really interested in sex at all. Towards the very end, she went as far as to tell me that she disliked being touched by me (almost at all).
I remember hearing some time ago that this type of behaviour suggests that your woman _may_ be getting sexual fulfillment from some other source.
In any event, it is IMPERATIVE that you talk to your woman about this RIGHT AWAY. Make sure that she is feeling safe/comfortable prior to your engaging in this topic. This can literally RIP your relationship apart - maybe not today or tomorrow, but when will you 'just need it' so bad that you can justify finding sexual gratification from someone other than your wife?
I REALLY hope things work out for you ..
-- apt-get install spare_time --