I get along well with my immediate family. I was at war with my little brother until about 2-3 years ago. He was a terror when he was younger, stealing our stuff for drug money, he once had a pair of scissors held to my mom's throat, ready to kill her because he was caught going into her purse. He was blacklisted from the family for awhile, but he's really cleaned his act up recently.
My Dad and I don't really talk that often, I'm still bitter that he left us penniless when my parents separated. I had to work washing dishes until 1 in the morning while finishing high school to help my Mom make ends meet. Since my brother had a near-fatal brain aneurysm last year we've started to patch things up though.
My Mom... well, she's always been the person I've admired most, and that's all that needs to be said.
I barely talk to my extended family, I think that's because most of my 15 cousins grew up in the country, fairly close to each other while my family grew up in the city. The only occasions I've had to see any of them recently have been weddings that I couldn't attend beause of work. My brother and I are the only two in the family who are unmarried by 21, and neither of us can really relate to any of them anymore.