Let me guess guy's, the public's opinion on this matter is wrong as well.
Now repeat after me;
"63 Percent of the publc is not in suport of federal intervention, but rather allowing the state courts to work this one out."
So are you one to say that 63 percent of the public is wrong in their interpretation of Congress oversteping their authority? You guys know the right answer to this very difficult and heart wrenching issue that pit's family against each other, everyone else is just clueless right?
You don't stand for the rights of family or the sacriment of marriage at all.
Also, neither of you has answered the following;
1) who pays the medical bills?
2) Do we keep her alive indefinatly?
3) Who has more right's, a spouse or a parent? You already implied your choice, your just afraid to voice it.
And Stevo, your just covering your ears if you haven't read through the court breifs that both side submitted. Oh wait, it's a huge left wing conspiracy, right?