I had two grandfathers I liked quite a bit, but they're gone now. I like my mother and her siblings (my aunt and two uncles). My sister's kids are great despite the influence of the shallow hypocrite they popped out of. I used to like my sister. She must have had some qualities that made her worth a damn, I just haven't been able to find them lately. I don't have a relationship with my father. I don't dislike him, I just don't talk to him and that seems alright by both of us. What's left of the family, I have very little to do with.
I like most of my family despite the fact that we're all very, very different. I can't say I would've chosen them as friends as they're very different than all my hand picked compadres. However, being related to them forced me to be around them, which changed my opinion of them considerably. I'd choose them now, but only because I know now what I know of them.
No signature. None. Seriously.