Now im not sure if I should be coming in on this. Am i a christian? ask me again in the future because I think Im at a personal crossroads . Ive only recently started to look at christianity , mainly because of a new friendship but I think Ive been heading towards it for a while.
So I know very little at present about the Bible and I could not quote anything from it im afraid.
I just wanted to say I like what I perceive to be rekna's views about the need for doing good deeds to get into heaven.It was one of the problems I had with Christianity, I couldnt understand how it seemed to say that a person could live a good honest caring life and yet not be accepted into heaven if he didnt accept Christ , yet someone who lived a selfish , hurtful towards others kind of a life yet believe in Gods love and have a guaranteed place in heaven.
But reading what Reknas writes I feel I understand it a bit better , the logic of it.How can God offer you unconditional love and yet keep a tally of your good deeds.And how would you measure good deeds, after all someone who has spare money would not find it as hard to give financial help to someone as a poor person giving someone his last few pounds would be and yet in itself it seems like the same act of generosity.
I also believe that if you have that trust and Love for Jesus then the need to do good deeds for others would come naturally .
As I say Im a novice so I cannot join in any debate over it , Im glad this thread has calmed down a bit. acceptance of others personal relationship with God and being non judgemental should be a basic task for Christians I think