I am a big fan of keeping components seperate. It's better when things break, or you want an upgrade etc...
But to answer your question. When a TV says built in HD receiver, they aren't talking about something that will work with DirecTV HD. They are more than likely talking about over the air digital signal that most stations are broadcasting these days. You would have to look at each TV and look for the DirecTV brand name on the receiver that is in the TV, if not, you are out of luck.
But stick with seperate components. Buy the cheaper TV that is just "HD ready". Then buy a receiver that fits your need. I have a Samsung TS-160 (couple of years old now) and it works great. And just call DirecTV and tell them you want to get a HD receiver, but they are too much money (which they are). Usually they will give you some type of service credit. I bought my receiver on ebay and then D*TV gave me a 150 dollar service credit so I was happy.