Originally Posted by sob
As I said, I believe it's his right. It's also my right not to hire hire him, or financially support any business I knew of that did hire him.
Aviod Subway, then. My bro is getting hired there soon.
Originally Posted by sob
And yes, it's ungrateful. To these guys, and a lot of others.
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag
**** of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands:
**** one Nation under God, indivisible,
With Liberty and Justice for all."
So...do you, sob, believe that we are a nation under God? Maybe you do. Maybe you are a monotheist. What about the millions of non-monotheist Americans? Should they pledge that they live in a country that states that it exists under one God (originally added by Eisenhower in 1954, as he considered God, the Christian God, to be our most powerful resource)? It's hard to speak for them.
Do you believe that the job of the government is to preserve liberty and justice for all? How good of a job are they doing? You know those brave soldiers were fighting to take a Pacific Island from the Japanese during WW2. The flag that they were raising for them meant that they had taken the island. I remember reading some interview years back with one of the soldiers in that picture, later depicted by that monument. He said they were simply trying to take the island and survive so they could go home.
Perhaps the term "ungrateful" is relative. Maybe I am ungrateful for not joining the Army like I had dreamed of since I was a little boy. Maybe I am ungrateful for protesting when I saw the government moving away from the constitution. But one man's opinion of something being ungrateful, is another man's best effort to be a true patriot. I fight in the best way I can (as I cannot serve in the Army because of a severe heart condition) by being ever vigilent in preserving liberty, freedom, and the rights every human being should be given. Whether I succede or fail, I know I am making the effort.
One man goes off to war to protect America from foreign threats. Another man stay home and tries to fight off people who would poison America from within. I'm the latter man, and so is my little brother.
/End threadjack.
The kids were asses, as many kids are. They misbehaved and deserved punishment for their actions. The teacher was out of line and on the edge of losing control. He was wrong and should be carefully watched for his dangerous temper.