Originally Posted by flamingdog
Ha ha, sounds like we met back around the other side.
well sort of - my position on this is pretty much : 1. I hate the fact that someone's feeling got hurt. 2. I don't really think being severely overweight is the best idea for a lifestyle choice 3. I welcome people to discriminate on the basis of weight when it comes to personal / romantic relationships - I'm just guessing they'll miss out on some interesting people (the contrapositive is also intersting - implication that all skinny people would be hardworking healthy go-getters, etc) 4. I would encourage overweight people to get in shape, based on my personal experiences, but if someone chooses not too, fine by me for reasons previously stated. Enter pack of wild hyenas, etc.
Originally Posted by flamingdog
To me, a lot of the 'fat people need to lose weight' rhetoric that flies around - here in its more subtle form, and elsewhere more overtly - smacks of this 'tough love' attitude. That really pisses me off, because it's cut from the same cloth as just being called a fat-ass. It's like the ol' horseshoe in the boxing glove. Sting in the tail.
yeah, i think it's a quesiton of degree - because i don't think in the purest form it can be completely avoided. with weight issues, i don't think there's much wiggle room on association with diseases like cardio-pulmonary disease, type ii diabetes, etc. that's just the facts. every time someone gives you advice / makes suggestion, i think there's technically some prejudice in there. to me, it's all about levels of prejudice. i expect and appreciate some of it - shows me you're thinking and you care. too much, and you're an asshole on a scale that makes even my little pigglet self pale, and that's a bad thing.
Originally Posted by flamingdog
'If you lose weight, you'll be happier, have more confidence, feel better about yourself,' implying that I should be a miserable, self-loathing wallflower just because I carry a couple of extra pounds. That's prejudice.
If I re-phrased this as "
You might find that if you lose weight you
might be happier, have more confidence, feel better about yourself.." would you still have the problem? I know too many +lbs people who are crazy-go-nuts gregarious and confident to think that the two are directly coorelated all the time. One of the best soccer players I've ever known was a
big guy - especially for a serious athlete - (and he was the exception, not the rule) but I would watch him eat people for lunch day in and out on the field. People always this look like "How in the
fuck did that lard-ass just do that?" and it was the funniest thing ever. However, I've also known a bunch of heavy people, and eventually a lot of them will admit they wish they were a little thinner, so there's
usually some truth to the "you might have more confidence" thing.