Originally Posted by Fourtyrulz
Why shouldn't it be banned? No one should have to walk through a cloud of nicotene in order to leave a building. My university actually has signs posted, no smoking within ___ feet in front of the building.
Because at that level it's only rudeness on the part of smokers, not serious harm. Yes, the smokers are stinking up everyone's hair, skin and clothing in order to satisfy their addiction, and doing it at a choke point, and not caring about the consequences to others. It isn't harm like making your waitress breathe smoke for 6 hours is harm -- it's only being extremely impolite and rude.
Legislating politeness seems going too far.
Allowing companies to insist their workers and clients are polite (allowing building owners to disallow smoking near building entrances) is another thing entirely.
You can hold your breath and walk quickly while passing through the noxious smoker's guantlet.