I agree. My son has, thankfully, always been very motivated towards school and learning. He loves science and technology, and loves to learn about new things. A personally hold our family responsible for this though. His mother and I were not together after he was roughly two, but it was always very amicable. My family and hers got along, and we both had the same goals for him, learning, understand, etc.
I see a lot of kids with very little direction from their families today. It's okay for a mom to take her 14-year old daughter to a Brittany Spears concert once a year, but only if that same mom makes her kid do homework, sits down with her to talk about life and things of that nature. If the only interaction a kid has with a parent is receiving gifts and an allowance, how is the kid supposed to grow mentally and emotionally?
Also, this is the age of political correctness and litigious action... and it's slowly killing our society. Teachers and principals are scared silly that they'll be sued by parents or, possibly worse even, get bad press for the distrcit. Parents get sued by their kids for spanking them, kids get taken away from loving parents because they get "hit" in a store. Society is primarily to blame for our kids being this way. When did Americans become so afraid of themselves?