Originally Posted by Manx
Seperate from that, here is another demonstration of why money does not correlate to intelligence: Bill Gates, though probably more intelligent than the average person, is not a million times more intelligent than the average person. Yet his wealth is somewhere around a million times the average.
Gates benefitted from the decision (some would call unintelligent) by IBM to farm out the operating system for their new PC product. What he and IBM did not know at the time was that whoever owned the operating system would eventually control the PC market. Paul Allen acquired QDOS for about $50K from Seattle Computing, Microsoft modified it slightly put their name on it MSDOS and IBM sold it in their computer stores along with the PCs.
Microsoft's success probably has more to do with bad (unintelligent) decisions by IBM than anything Gates did. At the time he didn't even want to do operating systems and was more interested in selling language software for the new IBM PC. Of course Microsoft made a lot of intelligent decisions after that.