"building a pc for your kids is the same thing as having an xbox ect."
Yes and no. While it's still a "video game" setup, the type of software that I purchase for my kids is VASTLY different than anything that I've ever seen for x-box. Reader Rabbit, Dr. Seuess' Reading, Arthur's Math Games, etc. get the kids familiar with the mouse, keyboard, and computer, while reinforcing things they'll learn in school. My options for keeping the computer as an "educational" tool are greater than the x-box, which is strictly entertainment...
I had an Atari and Colecovision system in my house as a kid, and I spent every waking hour from the time school ended until my parents got home at 5:30 on the damn thing. Looking back I wish I had spent a fraction of that time reading a book or doing homework. My kids won't fall into the same trap. Partly because thay won't be latch-key kids, but mainly because I know better (my parents didn't) and I'll limit what comes into the house...