Racial sensitivity for the sake of racial sensitivity is stupid. It's as stupid an reckless race based hate, it's substantially less destructive, but equally stupid. I'm not racist. It didn't even occur to me that I was one of less than twenty white people in a store of probably 150 people till my buddy commented on how 'oppressive' the atmosphere was as part of a humorously lame pun. Race doesn't matter, and if you think it matters and you're within cogent reasoning, you lose brownie points.
Originally Posted by Raveneye
On racism: human beings are born with the innate knowlege that they are embedded within a social network in which it is necessary to form coalitions with allies against common enemies. If you have kids, you know that practically from day one of their social life they form coalitions against enemies. However, racism is not innate, it is learned. Children in mixed groups do not form coalitions based on "race" unless they are taught to do so.
You win the thread.