Originally Posted by Bodyhammer86
I know this is for another thread but one of the staunchest advocates for censorship of entertainment is Senator Joe Lieberman, who just so happens to be a democrat. Furthermore, Bush has never shown any support for a bill like this during his last term or his current term.
/end threadjack
Agreed. This is one area where the Dems and I do not see anywhere close to eye to eye. Hell, I can see Halx getting charged under laws like this if we let it go too far. "Yeah I raped that girl 'cause I saw porn stuff on TFP and it gave me an unrealistic view that women always want to have sex so, yeah, it's not my fault."
Plus, games like GTA have the M label on there, which is a signal to retailers and parents that it's not appropriate for Little Johnny. It's not Rockstar's fault if a salesidiot or a parentalidiot lets Johnny get his hands on the game.