My biggest objection to these sorts of bans is that I fear the government is getting too intrusive into our lives. People make a lot of unsafe lifestyle choices and the government should regulate our activities as little as possible.
When you decide to engage in an unhealthy activity like freguenting a smoke filled tavern the government should not deny you the right to do so. No one is forcing you to go inside an establishment where the consumption of legal tobacco products like cigarettes, pipes, and cigars is permitted by the owner.
IMHO the government should stay out of it and let customers vote with their feet to decide which places get their business.
I don't understand why the fact that an establishment that permits smoking should bother a non-smoker since they can easily choose to go elsewhere. Many tavern owners etc.. wish to permit smoking and many people desire to go there. The government should not deny these establishments from permitting the consumption of legal tobacco products.
Also when marijuana is legalized the consumption of those products should be allowed as well.