Originally Posted by IC3
If a person of a different race than me approached me and was saying something racist directly towards me, I would not call them a biggot and walk away. Sometimes people need to get thier ass beat to knock some sense into them especially a racist (I'm not replying to what happened in the video). I don't fight and don't find any enjoyment out of fighting, But if somebody called me a cracker or anything that offended me..I would defend myself to whatever it led to..Even if i got my ass beat, I would rather get my ass beat than backdown from somebody who thinks they can offend me, Thinking i'm just gonna sit back and take thier shit.
Anyways..I'm going off the topic, So i will shut up.
I understand wanting to beat up a racist..there's nothing wrong with that mentality. However, why does nigger have to be a racial thing? Nigger is a viable word. I'm not trying to offend anyone but it has it's uses just like other words do. Granted in this case the word could have been used in a racial manner but the bitch could have just called him an ignorant biggot and left it at that. She started the whole thing by cussing him out.. and scratchin him in the face. Like you said we're getting into a whole new subject so I'll just leave it at that.