I have no clue. I actually didn't know they had stuff like that. Perhaps you could call a few salons. They often sell a lot of products that they themselves use in the salon so might even have the stuff on hand. I have found thta Covergirl's long lasting lipstick, I forget the name, really does dry out my lips. I found that if you use a non-petrolium based lipgloss over it instead of the gloss that they sell with it that it does last just about as long and doesn't dry out my lips as much. I just recently stumbled across the Revlon Colorstay Lipshine in our Dollar store. It lasts longer than regular lipstick, not quite as long as CG's and doesn't dry out my lips at all really. Especially if I still use a non-petrolium based lipgloss.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.