And people give you strange looks when you say society is irretreivable messed up. Its a pizza. If you cut in line, you deserve whatever snide remark someone gives you. Hell, you deserve to told off by the whole parlor, not just the one guy you cut off. Then when you make a fuss about it, you deserve to be thrown out. Then, when you or your tank of an ex-con hubby starts wailing on the guy, you deserve FAR more than four years. You also deserve the shitbeating of your life.
I'm 6'1" and about 150 pounds. I would have either reached over the counter, or asked one of the pizza guys to hand me something hard, and whatever I got would have come sailing down on that guy's skull. I wouldn't have cared if it bounced off his head and he started to beat me up. It's common decency, and that guy was wrong. And there is a point when one person is out of control that words won't slow him down -- no, you have to bring him down.
I imagine if I started, someone else would have popped out of their pizza-induced haze and given me a hand. Or a rolling pin.
I try and I try not to be racist, and for the most part, I believe I do a good job. But there's a mentality out there in a few minority groups that theyre better, or that they have the right to be as bad-ass as they want, to make up for oppression years passed. No, no you don't. You just sit down in your chair and behave like the rest of the class. Thankyou.