I'm only a 5' 3" woman and I would've done something. A few years back (before Tae Kwon Do training), I tried to stop a shoplifter in a retail store I worked at. The guy was 6' 3" and huge. When I stepped between him and the door and confronted him, we got in a shoving match, then he barrelled over me and broke the door down with my body. I hung on to him and proceeded to grapple with him in the parking lot. A crowd gathered at the door frame and watched as I pulled his Hilfiger coat off him, then his tee shirt. We had a tug-o-war over the coat (I figured it was worth more than what he stole) until one of the witnessess helpfully shouted that the guy had a gun (he didn't). NO ONE tried to help me! I just go on automatic when shit like this happens and I forget my size...
People are fucked up.
Believe nothing, even if I tell it to you, unless it meets with your own good common sense and experience. - Siddhartha Gautama (The Buddha)