You know what, I honestly don't buy into the whole "Health care is falling apart oh no!" philosophy. At least not to the degree I'm told to. Every time I have had to use or witness our health care system at work, its been a well oiled incredible machine. From my daughters being born in BC, to my dad having a stroke and my wife a minor concussion in Yellowknife. These are perhaps two of the most opposite areas in Canada and in both places there were no problems. My dad didn't lay in a hall for hours. My wife wasn't forced out of the hospital early because of a bed shortage.
Hell, one time, my wife dropped a beer bottle on her toe, and broke it (Bwaaaahahahahahahahahahha, ahahahah, ahaha, aaaaah, thank god she doesn't read this), and the doctors in Yellowknife tried to talk her into staying the night, so they could see if it was broken or just severely bruised. They were talking x-ray and stuff. All I could think was, thats some overkill right there.
Canada's health care system is not perfect. But when you hear Canadians say "Fix the health care system", 9 out of 10 people mean, "Improve the health care system".
A little bit off topic, but a sidenote. I'm not a big union guy. I've seen unions and their members abuse their rights and priviledges many times. But holy hell, anytime the nurses round these parts say they need a raise I'll carry a banner for them. EVERY time I am in a hospital 99% of our contact is with nurses and they are the glue that holds the system together. Both of our daughters were delivered by nurses, once because the obstetrition (sp?) "Was getting ready for vacation and couldn't come in". For the crap they have to put up with, you couldn't pay me enough.
"Whoever you are, go out into the evening,
leaving your room, of which you know each bit;
your house is the last before the infinite,
whoever you are."