Yes, I agree with
BlaqK20. What I read and participate in has a lot of influence in how I spend my energies. I try to focus on positive things for me like financial news, fitness information and tips, and science related information. This is not to say that you can't have hobbies or other interests, but you shouldn't let it occupy all of your time or consume all of your money. Having fun in life is all about living well, but I would rather live well in my later years than have that new LCD TV right now.
Since a few financial or money sites were requested I will post the ones that I use the most frequently. offers free and pay based analysis of stocks. I haven't used the pay based analysis, but I will run a search there on a stock I am considering.
MSN Moneycentral has good financial tips, a stock screener, and some other tools. Their content is usually pretty fresh and everyone can find something useful there. I don't frequent their message boards as they are full of stock hype and flame wars.
Get the most for your money on They offer guidance on the best rates for CDs, credit cards, consumer loans, etc. They also have some good guidance on what the economy is doing generally.
That should give enough for some quick browsing. Spend your time looking around financial and investing sites, and I am confident your drive to invest will increase.