Originally Posted by daswig
considering that we spend 400 BILLION a year on the military, and that starting pay is, IIRC, already in the 13,700 range for a new E-1, yeah, it'd increase manpower costs, but certainly less than implementing a draft would.
I don't think your math tracks. If we upped salary by 10K, people would join on their own at a rate of 23,700. If we drafted people, they'd start at 13,700. We still need the same number of new people whether we get them at 23,7 or 13,7, right? So increasing the pay rate would make things more expensive.
Not that I'm saying military personnel don't deserve a raise, but I don't think your idea is feasible. Also, I think about a quarter of that 400 billion is salary, the remainder is, you know, tanks 'n stuff.