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Old 02-20-2005, 04:05 AM   #35 (permalink)
Location: Mansion by day/Secret Lair by night
Originally Posted by robodog
I don't find it at all unusual that a couple could be together for some time before the issue comes up, and in this case it came up for entirely the RIGHT reason, one partner wants to use positive aspects of the others history as a guide to pleasing them now.
It seems that robodog and I are in the minority by far with this, but I think a couple who can speak honestly and openly about past relationships and experiences show great love for each other. It is pretty amazing to me how many people are jealous and afraid of a partner's past - the scenarios you all are painting for jorgev (prostitution, football teams??) are silly. Would you rather ignore your SO's past?? Pretend they are somebody without a life until the day they met you, and in turn you pretend that you have no past either? How many lies does that create for you in your relationship?

Jorgev, it does seem you began with good intentions, but be careful not to let jealousy or insecurity keep you "bouncing off the walls". She told you that she wanted to tell you about her past, but obviously she is worried that if she opens up to you she will be judged. This could be a great opportunity for you and your wife to become more intimate and better friends than ever - and you should approach this as her friend, not a interrogating husband!

You asked about approaching the subject again, why not begin with your own history and show her you're willing to risk a bit. Even admitting a lack of experience, but then tying that into your curiosity today would open up a lot I would think... Just be open and show her she can trust you not to overreact to things that are in the past. Jealousy is natural, but also selfish and useless. It can be quite a turn on to accept your partner's independant sexuality, and honesty about sex always leads to more fun in bed! Good luck, I would be interested to hear how this plays out for you!
Oft expectation fails...
and most oft there Where most it promises
- Shakespeare, W.
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