Wisdom Teeth: Pain and Suffering
About two years ago I was told that my wisdom teeth had come about 80% through and I should consider having them extracted. Since they weren't bothering me, I didn't take that advice. Big mistake.
Fast forward to last night, dinner time, and the little bugger on my lower left is making my mouth explode with pain. I can't even swallow because just that little bit of suction is too painful. And forget chewing or anything touching my cheek. So now it is Sunday, no one is open, and the only emergency dentists in the area accpet "patients of record" exclusively. Well, damnit, I just moved here!
Does anyone know any good "at home" remedies? I'm currently downing as much extra strength Tylenol as my liver can handle, cradling my jaw in pain, and I've been up almost all night.
Put the blame on me
So you don't feel a thing
Go on and save yourself
Take it out on me