Well, not me. But I'm helping a friend out.
What she has: a room with a large hole in the wall, audio cables in 4 corners of said room, and a large collection of CDs, mp3s, LPs, VHS tapes and DVDs.
What she wants: a (roughly) 60 inch TV to go in the hole. I imagine it would have to be flat to fit. Also, the hole is wide. Make it a widescreen. 60 inch is about as big as it can be, but a little smaller is alright.
An mp3 player that can hold her several thousand songs and add more easily (she's not too computer savvy), has a CD player, and has jacks for a record player.
A record player.
A DVD player/VCR.
Small surround sound speakers. No ginormous tower speakers here. Preferably in white, if they can be found. (I'm thinking Bose here.)
Budget: Keep it within reason. I don't want a $1000 RCA flatscreen, but we probably don't need to spend $15,000 on it, either. Something with respectable quality but not top of the line. Projection is a possibility, as long as the picture is good. The less it costs, the better, but I want to maintain quality.
Mitsubishi 62" Microdisplay Projection HDTV - $4200
Bose Acoustimass Series III White Home Theatre Speaker System - $1000
Toshiba Progressive Scan DVD/VCR Combo - $100
So that's basically what I'm looking at so far. I know I'll need a receiver to plug everything into, and I also need to get the mp3 functionality added in. I'd prefer to have a separate mp3 player in this system, rather than attach her computer to it. I also need to find a record player (What do you kids call them these days... turntables?)