Originally Posted by balderdash111
Nice try, but this thread is about WTC7, not the towers themselves. I don't happen to think you are right about the twin towers either, but that's a different thread.
And with all due respect, you declare yourself en expert b/c you have researched this issue in connection with this specific topic. I don't think that makes you an expert. I think it makes you someone who has studied one specific scenario extensively, and, frankly, I have no reason to think you did not go into your research with a desired outcome.
That's an interesting opinion. Just a few points:
1. Is it not reasonable to assume that the fates of WTC North and South are intertwined with the fate of WTC7? Therefore isn't it reasonable to assume that if there was foul play with one, there was foul play with the other? It would be the largest coincedence in history if one was an unexpected terorist attack, and the other was a controlled demolition on the same day. I realize this particular thread is about WTC7, but WTC7 has so many connections to the twin towers they shouyld not be omitted from the conversation.
2. My relative expertise (I say relative because I am comparing myself to the average person) comes from studying plane crashes, structural engineering, and building fires. Each of those studies is very important to this, don't you agree?
3. You assume that I desire the outcome that America is being lied to? Go the the Dissapearing 747 and truth about 9/11 threads and read my posts. Several times I plead with people to give me a better explaination. It would be sick of me to
want to find out that we have all been lied to in the supposed largest terrorist attack in history. I am not sick, balderdash. As a matter of fact, I am still hoping that someone will be able to get their heads around this better than I could, and give me a perfectly logical explaination.
You should be careful assuming people are wackos. I'm both looking for and presenting facts.