*NSFW* Sick f'king bastards *NSF ANYONE*
The following links to an allegedly gruesome video, where animals are skinned alive. I am going to place the URL in a spoiler tag to prevent you from accidentally going there if you don't intend to.
Spoiler: http://www.muchosucko.com/link7084.html
I don't agree with the racist statements posted on that board, but I, myself am completely against any sort of animal cruelty. I am a carnivore, yet I believe in the proper usage of our sources. Animals feel pain, and there is no reason to process live animals other than to increase the speed of production, which I have never felt is a valid reason to do so. It is just so fucked up. I hate PETA, but I hate these fuckers, too.
Take note that I didn't watch the video myself; all information I have from it is from the forum below the actual link to the video. Call me a pussy for not watching it, or call me ignorant for condemning something I refuse to even witness, but I stand with my opinion that anyone who would skin an animal, or a person for that matter, alive for any other reason than a life or death emergency, that person should also be skinned alive.
What is your take on this alleged atrocity? (Again I say "alleged" because I refused to actually watch the video).
The words "love" and "life" go together. It is almost as if they are one. You must love to live, and you must live to love, or you have never lived nor loved at all.
Originally Posted by Zeraph
...the best way to keep a big secret would be to make it public with disinformation...