I know I would be happily surprised if a girl asked me out. But for heavens sake, do not fling yourself on him. That really turns me off.
Also, just curious here, but why should as girl know the guy's name before asking him out? Say you are living in an apartment building and you have a neighbor you are really attracted to. You often share the elevator with him or her, and always have a nice chat while in the elevator. If they really hit it off, the girl should not ask the guy out if she does not know his name? What significance is there is knowing a name?
Is it okay for a guy to ask a girl out even if he does not know her name? If so, why should it be different for guys and girls? Just curious.. Never heard the rule that a girl must know a guy's name before asking him out.
Well, I say go for it, even if you do not know his name.
Last edited by Carn; 02-16-2005 at 05:43 PM..