Good grief, people....
What else could he be doing? Let's see...shooting dope....waiting for lights to go out or the GF to go back inside so he could get to the work of burglarizing a place or two...maybe a rapist taking a break? He wasn't a tenant-didn't belong in a shed-I'd have called the cops too. I sure wouldn't want to wake up to find my things vandalized, stolen or someone hurt because I didn't want to be bothered.
We had this happen-dog next door was a notorious barker. So, at midnight one night when he went on a barking fit, we merely shouted at him to shut up. And guess what? He was barking at the burgular(s) who had broken into his owner's garage, stolen items out of the car, then made their way up and down the street, stealing from other cars, including mine. But no one bothered to check things out since "Prince is alwåys barking".
And, MasterShake and Carn-you have a great future in burglary and grand larceny if everyone took your attitudes.