Eminent domain is nothing but theft and coercion. A government body feels that they can reassign the land to better benefit themselves (or, "the community," they claim) and they order private citizens to leave their property and allow it to be taken over by whoever is chose by the government.
It's armed robbery if I take your property, and it's armed robbery if the government takes your land without you expressing a desire to sell and negotiatiung a fair-market price. The government has the police and the military defending what they do, so they get away with it.
Any Judge or city official who signs an order to take a property by eminent domain should be prosecuted for conspiracy to commit armed robbery, and any government representative, whether police, military or otherwise who attempts to remove you from your property should be prosecuted as accomplices to that crime.
There is no way to justify the infringement of an individual's right to life, liberty, privacy, or property regardless of who is infringing on that right, except in defense against an aggressor who wishes to violate your rights.
We had a revolution last time infringement of citizens' rights got too far out of hand, and the government we instituted in place of the one we got rid of should not be committing these same crimes against its people.