Thank you Charlatan. And:
Originally Posted by K-Wise
This is my question now if she loses the case(which would be pretty fuckin sad) should that automatically make her a liar? That she just made up the idea of the Wachowski Brothers stealing her idea and lied about the supposed call for sci-fi flicks? That she's kidding herself if she thinks The Third Eye in anyway what so ever resembles The Matrix? If she does win will you still not believe it?
Yes, Yes, No, No. If she loses the case, there is probably damn good reason she lost it. Don't just put blind faith in her and believe everything she says, unless of course you've read the entire manuscript for The Third Eye. And directing a movie isn't as easy as you make it out to be. Director's have to be involved in a little bit of everything. In my opinion, the Director is the most important part of the movie.