I'm sorry that you both (Rekna & asaris) typed lengthy responses based on a misinterpretation of what I typed. On a second read, I do see how it's possible that it be translated that way, and I apologize for not being clearer. It is amusingly relevant though on a thread that is somewhat about translation and interpretation. Hope nobody went out and started a religion based on what I said in my last post.
What I meant was, that if and individual that is a self-professed Christian does not view the "obvious" sins as sinful, then
that individual will not treat them as sins and "deal" with them accordingly (i.e. avoidance, repentance, etc).
As to 1 Cor 5:5, I'm wondering if that verse wasn't used in things like the Salem witch burnings, because that's definitely one interpretation that crossed my mind. "deliver such a one to Satan
(-->hell-->fire) for the destruction of the flesh
(by fire), that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus."
Originally Posted by tecoyah
There is no reason, In my opinion, to limit my spiritual growth to the teachings of a single path or manifestation of what we refer to as God. I find it likely there have been many Avatars on this Earth, and the Christ is but one of them.
That seems like a good idea,
except John 14:6 seems to state (in just about any translation), that Jesus did not agree with you.