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Old 02-08-2005, 09:33 AM   #6 (permalink)
I wish there was a way to solve these problems - I personally think that the way to do it is to artificially raise the standards of living by providing stimulation that is new, exciting and different - and most of all, free.

Kids in inner cities have it bad three times over, first, they are often from poorer, less educated families with a high incidence of drunkenness, violent behaviours etc. Second, they have nowhere to play except in the streets - which means that they rapidly merge with the adult world, and all the booze, drugs etc that that contains, and finally, they are sold flashy dreams on the TV where in exchange for cash they get to recieve a pair of trainers that will allow them to emulate their favorite sporting heros.

I think taking them out of the city somehow would help - I heard about some gardening projects where kids helped renovate a corner of an inner city street. They all could see the changes they made, and it sparked an interest in mayn of them.

But I don't know either - I'd be banging my head against the wall by now if I were in your situation - My Mum is in the same business, and all she can do is try her best - and try and make a difference. Every now and then, one of her children from years and years ago will send her a thankyou - and she says that even if she only ever helped one person, that would always make things worthwhile.

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