You're not going to be able to make very advanced games in strict VB. You can use VB to talk to D3D (and the defunct DDraw) API, which the visual elements of VB are based off of. Once you get to that point however, VB's only use is as a program launch/endpoint (GUI). The advanced things have to be done in C++.
It can make a very good GUI, in fact, it's recommended if you already know VB- once you get to the point where you can program games, it doesn't matter what you do it in (Java/C++ OpenGL/D3D) but rather what you *can* do it in. In other words: work with what you know. It doesn't make sense to learn a 3rd party GUI API when you already know VB and it can satsify your needs just fine.
You're really limited to C++/Java for game programming. has many resources available, you should start there. I'm here to help if you need it too- I develop games myself. (C++/Java + OpenGL)