Thread: Homeschooling
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Old 02-04-2005, 12:03 PM   #4 (permalink)
Paradise Lost
"Afternoon everybody." "NORM!"
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Location: Poland, Ohio // Clarion University of PA.
I think the social interaction aspect of it is fooey, since, it's my belief that most of the
children's homeschooling education is (at least it seems) more formal, structured, logical,
more well reasoned - structured in a slightly philosophical way. They think through
what they see and don't understand why there are those who interact the way they
do, and may only seem socially inept - but in reality may seem much more
adapted for social behavior than a lot of other people out there who grew
up 'regularly.'

Anyway, I think homeschooling is a wonderful idea, and if maybe not doing it till
children are of college age, at least until they reach high school. If structured well
enough, I feel that a kid can learn WAY more than they would ever be able to in
any kind of school system (except one that Huxley wrote about in the 1920s, which
I also feel would work as well as homeschooling but with the nice social-interaction
of a normal school.)

Aspects of subjects are able to be covered better than at school, because you don't
have to worry about how the other kids in class may be doing when you go that in
depth, or for purposes of testing, etc, there isn't any need to go quite so indepth.
Plus, as ShaniFaye implicitly stated, you can make your kids well aware of certain
areas without the pressure of a school board bearing it's weight down on you to
stay away from naughty topics such as religion.
"Marino could do it."
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